Thursday, December 25, 2008

stuck in reverse

my eyes stare out into a point into the darkness as countless sodium light fixtures streak across my face like stars, sometimes in clusters and sometimes one at a time. but none of it seems to penetrate my concentration, my thoughts.

being lost in the crowd. it's hard to accept the fact that i might not be as special, that i am often known only through the footsteps i've taken in public, the "titles" i've gained, my legacy but not really anything more. but even the smallest personal gifts shows that i'm still there. that people still pause and think about me. thank god i'm still here.

is it bad to live a perfectly good life with the wrong intentions? should i accept the fact that i might be wearing a mask over my feelings? unfortunately, people don't get what they deserve. and that's life.

if only someone would be able to turn on the lights on my dark situation.

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